A regular expression, or just regex, is used to match patterns within the given string. Bellow is the cheat sheet of string matching I find useful. Enjoy!

Testing Methods

  • Method test
  • Executes a search for a match within a given string. Returns true or false
/string/.test("My string"); // outputs true
  • Method match
  • Searches a given string for a match, and returns the matches in form of an array
"My string".match(/string/); // outputs "string" as the first match
// ["string", index: 3, input: "My string", groups: undefined]


Ignoring Case

  • The i flag
  • Ignores case within the string, makes the regex case insensitive
const str = "Find MY STriNg";
const regex = /my string/i;
str.match(regex); // "MY STriNg"

Global Lookup

  • The g flag
  • Searches for a pattern throughout the string and returns an array of found items
const str = "This this THis THIS";
const regex = /this/gi;
str.match(regex); //  ["This", "this", "THis", "THIS"]

Pattern Matching

  • Starts with operator ^
  • Matches the characters at the beginning of a string
const str = "My String";
const regex = /^My/;
str.match(regex); // "My"
  • Ends with operator $
  • Matches the characters at the end of a string
const str = "String My";
const regex = /My$/;
str.match(regex); // "My"
  • The dot (wildcard) operator .
  • Matches any character, except newline
const str = "Wildcard find yard, card";
const regex = /.ard/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["card", "yard", "card"]
  • The or operator |
  • Matches multiple patterns within a given string
const str = "My string to test, find this and that";
const regex = /this|that/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["this", "that"]
  • The word operator \w
  • Matches all letters
const str = "My String12 2String";
const regex = /\w/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["M", "y", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g", "1", "2", "2", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"]
  • The not word operator \W
  • Matches all non-letter characters including whitespace
const str = "My String _$*! 2String";
const regex = /\W/gi;
str.match(regex); // [" ", " ", "$", "*", "!", " "]
  • The digit operator \d
  • Matches all digits
const str = "My String12 2String";
const regex = /\d/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["1", "2", "2"]
  • The not digit operator \D
  • Matches all non-digit characters including whitespace
const str = "My String12 2String";
const regex = /\D/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["M", "y", " ", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g", " ", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"]
  • The whitespace operator \s
  • Matches all whitespaces
const str = "My String12 2String";
const regex = /\s/g;
str.match(regex); // [" ", " "]
  • The not whitespace operator \S
  • Matches all except whitespaces
const str = "My String12 2String";
const regex = /\S/g;
str.match(regex); // ["M", "y", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g", "1", "2", "2", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"]

The list operator []

The output depends on what you put in between the brackets.

  • Match any of
const str = "lit fit git";
const regex = /[lfg]it/g;
str.match(regex); // ["lit", "fit", "git"]
  • Match between characters
const str = "lit fit git";
const regex = /[g-l]it/g;
str.match(regex); // ["lit", "git"]
  • Match numbers and letters
const str = "My String 123 % test *!";
const regex = /[a-z0-9]/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["M", "y", "S", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g", "1", "2", "3", "t", "e", "s", "t"]


Quantifiers can be greedy or lazy, depending on the regex definition. A greedy quantifier causes the regex engine to match as many occurrences of the given patterns as possible and vice versa, a lazy quantifier causes the engine to match as few occurrences as possible. Some of the greedy quantifiers are ?, \?, *, + and some of the lazy ones are ??, *?, +?.

  • Match zero or more *
const str = "code";
const str2 = "codeeeee";
const str3 = "codeecode";
const str4 = "nomore";
const regex = /code*/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["code"]
str2.match(regex); // ["codeeeee"]
str3.match(regex); // ["codee", "code"]
str4.match(regex); // null
  • Match one or more +
const str = "codeeeee";
const str2 = "codede";
const regex = /e+/gi;
const regex2 = /d+/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["eeeee"]
str2.match(regex2); // ["d", "d"]
  • Match zero or one ?
const str = "codeeeee";
const regex = /cod[a-z]?/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["code"]
  • Match n times {n}
const str = "codeeeee";
const regex = /cod[a-z]{3}/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["codeee"]
  • Match atleast n times {n,}
const str = "codeeeee";
const regex = /cod[a-z]{2,}/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["codeeeee"]
  • Match between n and m times {n,m}
const str = "codeeeeee";
const regex = /cod[a-z]{1,3}/gi;
str.match(regex); // ["codeee"]